Wednesday 29 September 2010

Schools in Kenya

Schools in Kenya

Children who live in the Countryside in Kenya have to walk many miles to school. Sometimes they have to walk over a hour. In the cities some children  can catch a bus to school or they can ride there bicycle.

The government pays for the teachers in Kenya schools but the uniiform and books have to be paid for
by parents. Sometimes parents also have to pay to repair the school buildings .This means that children from
poorer families do not go to school because of the cost.

Class sizes in Kenya are very big.  Children sit in rows facing the teacher at the front of the classroom.  They have lessons in English, Maths and Science.  The children also have lessons in practical skills such as wood and metalwork, farming and cooking.

The school biulding is usually one big classromm.There are toilets outside of the classroom. There is also a playing field which the school uses to play games and for assemblies.

Many schools in the countryside grow their own vegetables. the children learn about how to grow crops. the vegetables are sold in a local market to make money for the school.

By Thomas Rooney


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