The targets below are what we in 6HF are working towards in Maths;
1. Know all tables to 10 x 10, especially for division, e.g. 63 ÷ 7 = 9, and quickly work out remainders. |
2. Multiply and divide decimals by 10 or 100 in their heads, e.g. 2.61 x 10, 53.2 ÷ 100. |
3. Put numbers, including decimals, in order of size, e.g. 1.06, 0.099, 0.25, 1.67. |
4. Use pencil and paper to add and subtract decimals, e.g. 3.91 + 8.04 + 24.56, or 13.3 – 1.27. |
5. Use pencil and paper to multiply and divide, e.g. 387 x 46, 21.5 x 7, 539 ÷ 13, 307.6 ÷ 4. |
6. Cancel fractions e.g. reduce 4/20 to 1/5, and work out which of two fractions is bigger, e.g. 7/12 or 2/3. |
7. Work out simple percentages of whole numbers, e.g. 25% of £90 is £22.50. |
8. Estimate angles and use a protractor to measure them. |
9. Work out the perimeter and area of simple shapes that can be split into rectangles, e.g. |
10. Solve word problems and explain their methods. |
11. Use co-ordinates to plot the position of points. |
12. Understand and use information in graphs, charts and tables. |
About the targets
These targets show some of the things your child should be able to do by the end of Year 6.
Some targets may be more complex than they seem, e.g. children may know how to work out sums on paper but need to see when it is quicker to work them out in their heads.